
Maybe I have figured out what I should be doing. Or at least what I should be putting my energy into for awhile. I want to fight the fear mongering machine. I am tired of allowing the government to tell me what to do in my car. Who cares if I don’t wear a seat belt? Who else am I hurting? I am tired of not truly having my freedom. The freedom to chose. I am going to start spending my free time doing what I can to take back my sovereignty! I am not saying it is not good to wear seat belts. I am saying that it is good to have the choice. And I would much rather have the police spend their time assisting me when I have some bastard smash my husbands car windshield in rather then being on my case trying to look into my car and see if I made a personal choice that affects no one on the road but me. And with the windshield they just said oh we don’t do anything about it but we will take the information for crime statistics. I have had two cars broken into and one windshield smashed and had the same response. One car the hand print of the thief was on the trunk of the car. The other car the thief cut them self and bleed all over the back seat of my car. Then I also had my storage unit broken into and yet again no police officer was willing to come out. But by God “Click it or ticket”. I think this is becoming a travesty and a total misuse of my tax dollars. I don’t want to hand this situation over to my daughter this way. And I don’t want to raise her teaching her correct standards and not standing up for them and letting the government do this. I need to raise my voice. I will find like people and do what I can to ensure all of us can continue to have our freedoms and true protection from the government that says it is here to do just that.

What to do.

So I need to figure out what I want to do in my life. I am a stay at home mom now but in three and a half years I will have a lot of time on my hands and will want to have a goal or something. But I just don’t know what I want to do. I could maybe start to work on it now. But a decision like that is a hard one to make. Photography, Writing, Web design, Life Coaching, Selling purses, or coding. So much to think on. What to do?

Why girls are alone!

Ok now I hate to sound like a bitch here but I have had many friends and family for that matter saying so many things and maybe I am just taking them far to literally but people are making so many demands of what they want in a person and yet them either not being equal to that or their demands being unreasonable. Also I see wonderful men who are single because they are not as good looking or even if they are as good looking but they have not had to spend the time learning how to lie to a girl to feel good about himself because he had other things to do. I just get so tired of hearing “why am I alone?” but then “hes not my type” or “I want a conservative” what happened to I want to find a person who makes my heart sing? I just can not imagine not having my husband to hold me at night. I have my best friend. So I guess if you read this. Give a geek a chance! Or if you are not going to shut up and be happy with yourself.


Jan I miss you so much. I spend time talking with Joyce or other friends and I hear the things that are continuing in their lives and I see Venice doing so many things. And I long to talk to you. At times I find myself thinking of what I want to talk to you about at night. And at times without thinking tears stream down my face while I hear snores from my husband baby and dog I am alone in that dark moment and I feel very very alone with the emptiness of you. I just don’t know how to talk about it. I miss our talks and your help. I had no idea I relied no you as much as I did. I miss you.

True meaning of family.

So I have been thinking about the true meaning of family and it is just amazing how when my family needs something we all come through to help each other. My cute niece moved into my mom’s house for the summer and we needed to paint and do some stuff to make it ready and it is just great how we will just drop everything and come to make a place for her. I am not saying we don’t have our times of wanting to kill each other and have stupid arguments but we do jump in and help whenever. Family is just wonderful.