Why girls are alone!

Ok now I hate to sound like a bitch here but I have had many friends and family for that matter saying so many things and maybe I am just taking them far to literally but people are making so many demands of what they want in a person and yet them either not being equal to that or their demands being unreasonable. Also I see wonderful men who are single because they are not as good looking or even if they are as good looking but they have not had to spend the time learning how to lie to a girl to feel good about himself because he had other things to do. I just get so tired of hearing “why am I alone?” but then “hes not my type” or “I want a conservative” what happened to I want to find a person who makes my heart sing? I just can not imagine not having my husband to hold me at night. I have my best friend. So I guess if you read this. Give a geek a chance! Or if you are not going to shut up and be happy with yourself.